Lilypie Waiting to Adopt tickers

Lilypie Waiting to Adopt tickers

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

The non-update update....

Well, I am so sorry it has taken  me so long to get on here and let everyone know where we are in all this.

Basically Sam and I have turned our taxes in to be completed and once those are finished we will be able to proceed in turning in the "final" paperwork and go through our psych evaluations and physicals, etcetera.  We are excited and anxious for this next step.  I guess I am a little more intimidated by the psych eval than anything. I am not an interviewer and my memory certainly isn't the greatest, so needless to say this by far is my least favorite part and I don't much look forward to it....please pray that everything goes smoothly!    

In other news....we finally made what I would call a "big" purchase for new sweet baby....we bought a pack n, I know it's not much...but with the 2 newer nephews...they are getting to try it out before we bring sweet baby home (Lord willing)!!  We keep it up in case they come over and its good to see it being used.

As ya'll know Sam and I bought a house and are getting settled in nicely.  We had a staging lady, come on Tuesday and she was a great help!  She told us where everything would look the best and the best way to make the house look cute!  She helped us stage our home in Christiana before we sold it and we were very impressed with the way she was able to make it look and wanted that guidance in this home so we could be very happy the whole time we are here.  :)  

In other news; I think I am looking forward to summer break....I attend 2 ladies bible studies during the year, one on Thursdays with the older ladies in the congregation and one on Friday with the younger ladies.  I always hate taking a break because I feel like I am out of the loop, but for some reason I think I am ready for a change of routine and a break from the norm.  I am excited to see what this summer holds and I am quite sure it will be a busy one!  I'm seeing a yard sale for sweet baby in my near future....hmmm....more on that later, I suppose.

Well, before I bore you to tears....I guess thats pretty much it for now.....oh yeah, one more thing.  Please be in prayer about our ladies retreat coming up in September.  A friend of mine and myself will be speaking at the retreat and we just want God to use us and speak through us.  There is still much to be thought out and planned so just pray that stress and anxiety are not a part of the equation.  I appreciate all of you and all of your prayers.

Glory to our God!
A Daughter of the King,
Candace :)

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