Lilypie Waiting to Adopt tickers

Lilypie Waiting to Adopt tickers

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Should I be nervous?

Well, I guess I have taken the leap into the blogging world.   Kind of hard to believe (ok, perhaps its harder for me to believe) but after seeing some close friends sharing their adoption journeys, I knew I (we - Sam and I) wanted to share mine (ours) too!

I am truly overflowing with thankfulness every time I think of all the ways the Lord has blessed me.  For those of you with inquiring minds the blog name is from Colossians 2:7 "rooted and built up in him, strengthened in the faith as you were taught, and overflowing with thankfulness."  Wow, it's hard to say anything after reading the Living Word of God!!!  That verse just speaks so deeply with me, and I pray it does you as well.  I encourage you to memorize it and put it in your heart!  I could just go on and on about the entire book of Colossians, it is by far my favorite book in the New Testament.  If it's been a while, just peruse the book, it is jammed packed with promises and reminders that WE are IN Christ!!  And Col 3:4 "when Christ who IS your life!"  Oh man, how then are we to live?!!  Christ is to be our life...and it isn't presented as an option, but as something that is to be.  OK, I am preaching now, which isn't my goal for this blog.

As for Sammie (as some of you know him as) and I; we are just amazed at how God is at work in our lives and love the desire and passion he has given us to adopt.  Our journey is only beginning and I know that the Lord has some pretty neat things in our future.  My desire is that you would join with us in prayer as we make this journey; pray for us, our child's birth family, and our child.  The decision to make an adoption plan is never an easy one, so pray for our child's birth mother specifically as she makes the most life changing and difficult decision ever.

Thanks for joining this journey with us and may God continue to remind you of all the reasons you too should be overflowing with thankfulness.

A Daughter of the King,

1 comment:

  1. Such exciting news! Our prayer's are with you both and also for the birth mother & sweet baby! God is awesome and he knows you and Sam will be wonderful christian parents! God bless you both ~ Love, Aunt Marilyn & Uncle Craig
