I am so thankful that the Lord gives us people in this world. You know, it takes all types and boy do I sure know a few doozies!! hehe
My husband is one of these people, he continues to amaze me (yes, I am fully aware I used the word doozie in the sentence just before this one - he is a doozie, and a hoot too!). For those of you not aware, I am extremely proud of my husband; in just under 11 months, he has been able to lose 134 pounds to date! Thats AMAZING!! There is just not enough room to write to you how wonderful this man of God is! He is one of the goofiest and funniest people I know! He continually builds me up and encourages me to be a better woman. I am so glad God chose for us to meet online that one fateful day in March of 2005! Who knew our lives would be forever changed?! I cannot wait to see Sam be the father that he is yearning to be and who God has called him to be! Please stop and say a prayer for sweet husband! He could use some encouragement these days as he has been hard at work, working sometimes 16 hour days! It's a bit much, but I am so grateful that he has a job and that he is able to support me (our family!)
Back to the "people" and "doozies".....I have a sweet friend from High School Youth Group, who is adopting domestically. She is one of these people you see and you smile right away...its always infectious! She is a woman after God's own heart and she has a heart of gold! Her family is in the "waiting" phase of the adoption process. I would have to say that this would by far be the most grueling and anguish-leading part of the process. See, that is because we are both adopting through the same agency, and while we both LOVE the process, it can definitely leave you with a lack of information. By that I simply mean that once you become a family in waiting....you are waiting for a birth mom/family to chose you! They do this by looking at the profile of your family. The birth mom/family will pick out 2 families she feels best fits what she envisions for her adoption plan. They will call her 1st choice and see if it is a match, if they decline the agency will call her 2nd choice. The thing is the 2nd family will never know they were the 2nd family. They will simply think they are the first! All that to say...your profile could be viewed 100 times before someone "chooses" your family, and as the adoptive family...you would never know! (As I said, this is great...but sometimes "no news" is hard! Even if you know thats what you are signing up for!) Please say a prayer for sweet friend and her family! They are currently almost 4 months into the "Waiting!" Pray that they may have peace and remember that God has a plan to bring sweet baby home. I know they are anxiously awaiting baby #2's arrival (as are Sam and I) we can't wait to meet him/her!!
I have another person I would ask you all to pray for. I don't know her personally, but she is a sister in Christ in desperate need of all our prayers. Her story speaks to my heart and soul and beckons me to pray for her and petition on her behalf. Her name is Sara Walker, she is a mother of 3 and is only 33 years old. She has been through a lot and is currently battling stage 4 colon cancer. I will ask you to visit her caring bridge site and leave her a note, let her know you are praying for her and you can read her whole story there! I also encourage you to take a look at the guest list! It's truly powerful to see so many come together in the name of Christ! http://www.caringbridge.org/visit/sarawalker/
I again just want to praise God for people and how they impact our lives. Please pray for our little sweet baby....born or unborn, that God is nurturing him/her and that God will bring them home soon! (We have to get through the process first! hehe) Pray that the process will move quickly and that we will not have complications! We are so ready for a sweet baby! I just cannot wait to pick that little one up in my arms and squeeze him/her so tight!! I thank God that we are all adopted by him and that Sam and I have this opportunity to see how God see's us through the eyes of adoption!
Be blessed! And don't forget to be a blessing to someone else!
A Daughter of the King,
Candace :)